You might want to take notice of the Quality Time video Designated Writers has for you currently. It features Peter Winkler, who is the same Peter Winkler advertised in Winkler’s International Golf Practice Center on Meadowlake Road in Keithville.

Yes, that says ‘international.’ Which means if you are as far away as Oklahoma or Texas, even Mississippi, Winkler will give you a lesson.

He speaks golf in several languages.

In the video, Winkler — as DW fondly calls him because it is such a joyful name (wink!) — suggests how to shake the dust off your golf game after this wet and miserably cold winter. Save yourself some time and dollars and check him out. Or check a good golf friend out. Or your local pro. Do not hit 20 buckets of balls without knowing what is wrong. Take one lesson coming out of the golf season, go back to the fundamentals, then enjoy a long spring/summer/fall of golf fun.

Full Disclosure: JJ and I, your Designated Writers and Designated Golfers, went to Meadowlake a couple of weeks ago to take a lesson; JJ had 30 minutes and I had 30 minutes. JJ went first because I am so in awe of Winkler that I pretended to be stretching, although secretly I was just nervous.

These things happen.

We each paid $30 for our 30 minutes. Of course we would have paid double that. And here is the main Full Disclosure Situation: Designated Writers loves Peter Winkler. We cannot emphasize this enough. He is like a golf god to us. No, not “like”: IS.

We love him so.

We have always paid full price, and he has always given us his full attention.

I have friends now in other states who were once steady pupils of Winkler’s. I call them and say, “Hey, I just saw Winkler,” and there will be this silence of awe. And then they will say, “You are HERE, and you need to get HERE.” Which is what Peter says to me during a lesson. A lot. Because I can’t get THERE.

But when I get HERE, as he suggests — sweetness. I am golfing my ball — and lovin’ it!

Did I mention that we love him so much?

Embrace your golf pro. He wants to help you. His passion is to help you improve so your Fun Level will increase. If your pro is Winkler, that’s all the better. If you feel better with a friend who is a good golfer, then hit some balls with him or her. Let them make suggestions that our brain might not be aware of after the off-season. Don’t waste your time pounding 20 buckets of balls trying to figure out in eight hours what your pro or friend could tell you in three minutes.

Let’s have some fun out there. Let’s get from here — to here.
