My culinary habits are well-known — and often ridiculed — by those who know me. Let’s just say that my food selections are very particular and the list of foods I won’t eat is a long one. (Typically, there’s a story behind most of those on that list.)

So just know going in that I am pretty much of an outlier. But sometimes it’s not the type of food that gets me torqued up but the time of day.

I know it’s supposed to be a Southern thing, but this Breakfast for Dinner concept really bugs me. Here’s the concept I been living by for a long time — Breakfast for Breakfast, Dinner for Dinner. Those battle lines are pretty well established.

I thought breakfast was supposed to be the most important meal of the day. Is our body supposed to make an emergency adjustment when scrambled eggs and bacon start heading south right after the evening news? My stomach does not need or deserve to have its chain jerked. It’s expecting the right foods at the right times. If I start working the graveyard shift at the railroad, then we will talk.

You know what a better title would be instead of Breakfast for Dinner? Laziness for Dinner.  You say it’s just easier in this on-the-go world we live in? So is ordering out. So is a TV dinner. So are leftovers. And all of those have a regulation time attached to them. I’m at McDonald’s ordering up a #3 with cheese and the guy next to me is asking for extra syrup for pancakes.

Why not Dinner for Breakfast? Let’s wake up and start serving some French fries or a bowl of gumbo. See what the dietitians think about that one.